Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Little Rascal

I went in for my 38 week appt on Friday and my doctor was trying to find the baby's heartbeat but she kept moving around, making it difficult (stubborn already, I know). Dr. Short then appropriately said to her, "C'mon, you little rascal." I thought to myself, what a perfect name for this baby! I went home and told Dustin and we decided that she really is a little rascal -- moving like crazy nowadays even though my mom told me that things "quiet down" after 36 weeks -- not this baby! Anyway, I thought it was an appropriate name for our blog. I hope to keep friends and family who are far away updated with this blog, as babies change so much and I don't know that I will otherwise be able to keep up! I hope you enjoy, and I will do my best to post pictures of our little rascal as she grows.

12 days until my due date.... :)


  1. 12 days! The little rascal is almost here! :)

  2. Yah! I'm glad you figured this out..pretty easy huh! and I love reading blogs so I can't wait for the little ones arrival and all the pic's!
    Good luck...SOON she will be here!:)
